Rob Sowinski’s lighting, underwriting the action, was respectful, telling, and vivid. 

Michael Shmith, Australian Book Review
11 February 2022

This multi-strand but interlocking, coherent storytelling could not succeed without Sarah Tulloch’s economic but suggestive set design, Rob Sowinski’s bright-to-eerie lighting, Jodi Hope’s appropriately fairy tale costumes, and Marcello Lo Ricco and Steve Cooke’s enveloping sound design – especially menacing in Act II. 

Michael Brindley, Stage Whispers
01 February 2022

Assisting the set was Sowinski’s magical lighting design that also gave the space a three-dimensional feel by subtly shifting with the action. The green and yellow light spilling in from the sides truly captured the essence of a forest floor with sunlight creeping in and immersed the audience in the story.

Stephanie Lee,
23 January 2022